
  1. Arbitrage: The practice of taking advantage of price differences between markets to make a profit.

  2. AMM (Automated Market Maker): A type of decentralized exchange protocol that uses algorithms to price assets.

  3. APR (Annual Percentage Rate): The yearly rate of return on an investment, expressed as a percentage.

  4. Collateral: Assets held by the protocol to back the value of the stablecoin.

  5. Collateral Ratio: The value of collateral compared to the value of the asset it's backing.

  6. DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization): An organization represented by rules encoded as a computer program that is transparent and controlled by the organization members.

  7. DeFi (Decentralized Finance): Financial services and products built on blockchain technology that operate without centralized intermediaries.

  8. DEX (Decentralized Exchange): A type of cryptocurrency exchange that operates without a central authority.

  9. ERC20: A standard for fungible tokens on EVM blockchains.

  10. Floating Pool: In MaltSwap, a pool for assets that can fluctuate in value relative to Malt.

  11. Liquidity: The ease with which an asset can be bought or sold without affecting its price.

  12. Liquidity Provider (LP): Someone who deposits assets into a liquidity pool to facilitate trading and earn rewards.

  13. MEV (Miner Extractable Value): The profit a miner can make through their ability to arbitrarily include, exclude, or re-order transactions within the blocks they produce.

  14. Oracle: A service that provides external data to a blockchain.

  15. Peg: The fixed exchange rate that a stablecoin aims to maintain.

  16. Risk Factor: In the Malt system, a measure of how much an asset's value is counted towards collateral.

  17. Seigniorage: Profit made by issuing currency, typically the difference between the cost of producing currency and its face value.

  18. Stable Pool: In MaltSwap, a pool for assets that are expected to maintain a stable value relative to Malt.

  19. Stablecoin: A type of cryptocurrency designed to maintain a stable value relative to a reference asset, often the US dollar.

  20. Staking: The act of locking up cryptocurrency holdings to earn rewards or participate in network operations.

  21. TVL (Total Value Locked): The total value of cryptocurrency locked in a DeFi protocol.

  22. Yield: The earnings generated from an investment, typically expressed as an annual percentage rate.

  23. GRN Token: Malt's Grain token, used for fee reduction on MaltSwap and other protocol benefits.

  24. Malt: The stablecoin at the center of the Malt Protocol ecosystem.

  25. MaltSwap: The decentralized exchange (DEX) that's part of the Malt ecosystem.

  26. Profit Distributor: The system in Malt that handles how profit is split between increasing protocol collateral, paying LPs, and other destinations.

  27. Reward Throttle: Part of Malt's staking system that manages the APR paid for each pool.

  28. Reward Overflow: A reserve of capital in the Malt system used to sustain rewards during periods of low cashflow.

  29. Swing Trader: A component in the Malt system that helps absorb price deviations beyond a certain threshold, effectively deepening liquidity in the pools.

  30. Hooks: Permissioned functions in MaltSwap that can run additional logic during the DEX lifecycle.

  31. Malt Cost Averaging: A planned feature allowing users to use Malt to average into another asset over a specified timeframe.

  32. Delegation: A feature in Malt's staking system allowing an account to delegate their rewards from a particular pool to another account.

  33. Autocompounder: A potential application of Malt's delegation system that automatically reinvests rewards.

  34. Reward Runway: The amount of time the protocol can sustain rewards at the current rate without new cashflow.

  35. Cashflow APR: The implied APR from all of Malt's cashflow for a given pool against the total staked value for that pool.

  36. Target APR: The APR that the Malt system aims to pay, set by the reward throttle based on historical cashflows.

  37. Warmup Period: The time it takes for newly staked GRN tokens to reach their full fee reduction potential.

  38. Crypto Index Fund: A concept in Malt where the protocol's collateral roughly tracks an index of the broader crypto market.

Last updated